
Stojanović v Serbia

Author / Contributor: Kris Gledhill
Stojanovic v Serbia
Issue: Whether requiring prisoners to submit letters to the authorities unopened to be posted breached Art 8 ECHR; whether a complaint under Arts 3 and 8 ECHR, and Art 1 of Protocol 12, relating to the non-supply of dentures to a prisoner should be considered in light of the supply of dentures after more than 3 years.
Court: ECHR
Reference:   Appn 34425/04
Neutral Citation:  
Judge(s): F Tulkens (President), I Cabral Barreto, V Zagrebelsky, D Jociene, A Sajó, N Tsotsoria, M Kreca (ad hoc judge)
Date: 19 May 2009